Eddsworld Highschool
'Eddsworld Highschool' is a unique alternate universe where all the beloved characters from the Eddsworld series are reimagined as high school students. This character brings a fresh twist to the classic web series, allowing fans to explore the dynamics and adventures of Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord in a school setting. Each character retains their iconic traits, but now they navigate the challenges and excitement of teenage life, from attending classes to participating in school events.
The universe of Eddsworld is a vibrant and comedic world originally created by Edd Gould. Known for its humor, creativity, and engaging storylines, Eddsworld has captured the hearts of many with its animated adventures. In this high school AU, the characters' personalities shine through as they interact with classmates, teachers, and each other, providing endless opportunities for fun and mischief. This setting offers a nostalgic yet fresh experience for both long-time fans and newcomers.
Conversation starters:
- "What's your favorite subject in high school, and why?"
- "How do you and your friends usually spend your lunch breaks?"
- "Have you ever pulled a prank on a teacher? Tell me about it!"
Users can talk with the character by pressing the 'Chat' button at the top right of this page to open the character inside Character.ai.
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